Want to Study Abroad? Four Questions to Ask Yourself

This post was published on Dream Row’s website on November 7, 2012. It was written as a freelancer.

Want to Study Abroad? Four Questions to Ask Yourself

by Nicole LaChance

One of the effects of the increasing globalization of the world is a heightened increase in study abroad programs. What was once a rare occurrence is now becoming an increasingly common option for college students around the country. The decision to study abroad is a big one, and you will have to answer some important questions before you hop on a plane. Continue reading

Resources for Non-traditional Students

This post was published on Dream Row’s website on October 31, 2012. It was written as a freelancer.

Rescources for Non-traditional Students

by Nicole LaChance

As an adult, going to college can be very difficult. Non-traditional students, as they are often called, tend to be placed with the burden of supporting themselves or their family. This can often make school more financially and emotionally stressful than for those attending right out of high school. To help ease the load, here are links to five resources that may be able to help. Continue reading

Introduction to Mentors

This post was published on the Dreamrow website on Ocotber 24, 2012. It was written as a freelancer.

Introduction to Mentors

by Nicole LaChance

What do Colin Powell, Oprah Winfrey and Barbara Walters have in common? They all became successful with the help of mentors. Colleges often discuss the value of internships, rightly so, but do not push students to have mentors. So, if you have a few minutes take this crash course on mentors. Continue reading

International Student Jobs

This was published on Dream Row’s website on October 17, 2012.

International Student Jobs

Thousands of students from around the world come to the United States each year to attend college. For some it is all about the experience while for others it means better opportunities than in their home country. Unfortunately, when it comes to work and internships, international students have a few more hoops to jump through than their American peers Continue reading

Student Housing

This post was written as a freelancer. It was published to the Dream Row blog on October 10, 2012.

Student Housing

College offers many opportunities, but it also requires many decisions. What classes should you take? Should you get a job or spend the time participating in a club? Is the cafeteria mystery meat worth the risk? But, before the school year starts and the class picking begins, students must sift through all the options and decide where to live. Continue reading

Career-Boosting Internships

This was written as part of my freelance writing for Dream Row. It was posted to the Dream Row blog on September 19, 2012.

Career-Boosting Internships

If you go to college, have gone to college or have even set foot on a college campus, chances are you’ve heard all about internships. It seems that every college career counselor is recommending that students complete at least one internship in addition to their normal coursework. In some programs it is even a requirement for graduation. All this pushing isn’t useless. In fact, being an intern can sometimes be more beneficial than your GPA when it comes to job hunting. Continue reading